



1K Words: £12
2K Words: £15
3K+ Words: £18 + £5 per additional 1K words (which must be specifically requested at the time of commissioning and included in rest of payment.)

*There won’t be an extra charge if I happen to surpass the word count.


* Significantly underage NSFW.
* Legitimate abuse or rape/non-con between main pairing (dub-con and negotiated kink are allowed.)
* Degradation Kink.
* Multi-chaptered fics.


* No commissions from under 18s allowed.
* Before paying for anything, please contact me through DM to confirm that I can accept your commission as I have the right to refuse any that I’m not comfortable writing.
* Payment must be made through Ko-fi before I can start writing.
* Fics will sent be to commissioner privately for approval before being posted to Ao3 for viewing.
* Please add a comment to your payment with your Ao3 username if you have one so that I can gift the fic, and your preferred way to be contacted when the fic is finished.
* Please make your prompt specific.
* I can't provide a strict timeframe for the completion of commissions as it depends on the length and content of the fic but I will always aim to have them complete in a timely manner.

Works In Progress

Ache For UsGhost Rut, Mommy KinkEmphasising the motherly instincts Xie Lian displays during the ghost rut through breastfeeding and praise.
Golden CageAlien Hua Cheng, Medical KinkHua Cheng pleasures human Xie Lian for research purposes.
Crawl HomeTime Travel, VoyeurismSoldier Hong'er ends up in post-canon and Xie Lian coaxes him into making love while Hua Cheng watches.
TBDNon-Sexual Intimacy, Bathing/WashingButch Hua Cheng teaches Femme Xie Lian how to shave her vulva properly by doing it for her. Very fluffy and intimate.